Ike Ozuome
What is Spiritual Journaling?
It is simply keeping a spiritual diary of your spiritual growth over a period of time.
Normally one’s journal is a very private thing where subjects of personal prayer are written about—prayer requests you would make to the Father as well as answers you believe you receive are recorded.
Set aside a specific notebook or a pad of paper in which to record your journal.
What Should Be Recorded?
It is important that the person journaling takes time to write out his/her feelings concerning the struggles being experienced.
Things such as intercessory requests for others can be recorded.
Thoughts and impressions that you believe the Lord may be speaking to you during a quiet time should be written down.
Entries may vary in length from a paragraph to several pages each time you write in it whether it is one day, one week, two weeks time, or a year—you need to write in it daily.
However, this type of journal should not be a daily log of your activities but rather a place where you record ideas, observations, memories, and feelings.
What is the Purpose for Writing these Things Down in A Special Book?
First and foremost, it prevents you from forgetting things you have prayed for and past directions you may have felt during your prayer times.
To have recorded some of your own spiritual growth histories is important for reviewing your own growth patterns. Over a period of time, you might see certain repetitive cycles you are going through. If they are destructive cycles, having written them down allows you to review them and gain new insights and ways to pray that the Lord will help you overcome them.
If you are seeking direction for a major life decision, journaling is helpful in that it allows you to look back over a long period of time and see if you feel God is giving you the direction you need. If not, then it will enable you to better pray for that direction.
Finally, holding our thoughts within may stay inside us as “muddy waters.” Disciplining yourself to express yourself through writing helps to clarify things in your heart. It takes practice but the act of journaling helps you to organize your spiritual experiences and be more aware of your growth over a time period
Ike Ozuome
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Take Notes of God's Promises
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